Natural ingredients to remove scars on the face

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In addition to removing scars on your face, using honey, you also get another advantage, that is, you can brighten your face skin black Fleck Fleck – because that is on your face.To use this way is easy, you can simply buy the original honey then you apply goto found scars on your face, let stand for 20 minutre, then rinse with warm water.
Lemons are rich in vitamin c are good for the body and is believed also to heal scars, how to use it the same as using honey, namely with the lemon, then squeeze the water from the juice of the lemons outcome you goto the olehkan that there were scars on your face.Olive oil
It looks like the oil on this one is very much at all of its benefits, in addition to when removing scars on your face, olive oil can also make your hair grow faster and can also remove acne.To use it you just slathered oil goto found wounds on face let stand for up to 20 minutes then rinse using SOAP wash the face.
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